I am hoping to find one soon. I really want a Vaporeon!! Unfortunately, I read that the eeveelution you get (which is one of three) depends on the weather and environment. This means if you want Vaporeon, it will need to be near water. If you want a Flareon, I would imagine hot climates or fire/sun would help. Jolteon, a lot of people are saying they got in or around a thunderstorm.
I have 4! I found them all in this park by my house. I would check near parks and places with lots of trees. I am trying to collect a bunch in my free time. I am hoping to get a Flareon. He's my favorite of the three. I still think Sylveon is the best but it didn't make it into the game
I read differently. Apparently, the Eeveelution you get is based on a particular move your Eevee has. Who knows for sure. Don't have an Eevee btw.
I have actually caught lots of them and was able to evolve one. I got a Flareon. My friend did the same, we did them together and she got a Vapeoreon. I was so jealous. haha I have always liked Vaporeon second best to Umbreon. We were in the same spot as well so I am not sure how we managed to get different ones.
I have about 9 Eevees. I have been on the hunt for them for 3 days. I found a good spot to catch them but they stopped popping up. I am going to try again today. I want to get Jolteon pretty badly. Out of all the Eeveelutions I always liked Umbreon and Espeon the most but they are not in the game
Heck yeah I had dozens of them. Swapped them for candies now I have 3 Jolteon, 2 Vaporeon, and 2 Flareon. I will keep catching more just cause I think trading will eventually happen. I can swap them with people.
I don't have any Pokemon yet. I only played for a few minutes and wasted most of my balls trying to figure out how to catch a Sparrow lol