Hello , my Name is Tim i live in France, I would be catch TAUROS but in Europ its impossible. And i think in united stat its impossible to catch Mr.Mime but in France i have catch lot of Mr.mime My request is i sheach one personne to catch for me TAUROS and i catch for you Mr.MIME TIM
Tim, I live in US (Redmond). I can catch Tauros for you. In return, if you can catch Mr. MIME for me. How do you suggest we proceed?
Hello Deriek. Did you succeed to match a deal with Tim? If not, I am in the same situation and would like to propose somebody the same deal... To me it's quite easy. We both temporary change our email password. We connect threw some social network to chat more easily...then we decide one week timing to do this one... We exchange our ID and connect on each other account to catch this region pokemon ... then we both avoid to connect on real account to avoid being caught for cheating, and deal is done... We can exchange back our email password, and forget eachother(or sort of...) lol.
Ok, sorry for late reply, very busy at the moment. What I propose you is to connect each other on Facebook, and chat a little bit more to organize this well. We might have some other régional Pocket Monsters in the next generations coming, so we could be organized about it already! And trying to find 2 more players from Asia and Australia to have 4 players from 4 Regions represented! What do you think about it? My name on Facebook is Arnaud Nicolas. I have very common name (and even a name as family name) so it's pretty hard to find me straight. On my profile pic' I am in the sea water with a scuba mask and a 25kg fish between my arms. Otherwise give me your details and you will see me coming to you soon. Cordially.
Hey guys i live in europe, and would like to trade aswell for a tauros or whatever if anyone is interested
That is the point! We must not be the first one to think about that solution ! Is it not a proper place to meet other Pocket monster hunters to exchange about this! My idea is to find 3 others guys(or girls) from Stralya, Asia & America, and keep trustly contact for even next generations coming out soon...must be more exchangeable Pokemon coming...