I'm in Peru and keep seeing heracross and corsola. If I give login details can someone try to catch me a mr mime? I'd be happy to try to catch you corsola and heracross in exchange. Thanks for any help.
hi josep, i'm Paul from north italy did you have already got your mr mime? i am interested in corsola and heracross. Also now, just for few days i can catch kangaskhan and unown. wait for your answer thanks
Either of you two need a Taurus? I would LOVE a mr mime, heracross, or corsola. Please let me know if you are willing to help me out! thanks!
I am in North America, I can catch Taurus if anyone needs, but I would really appreciate help in acquiring the regional pokemon. I can also assist in obtaining Raikou sooner for some, since the dogs are region locked for monthlong periods.
Hi, my name is Shawn, did you ever get Heracross and Corolla from Joseph? Anything that I can get for you from North America? I have an abundance of Magikarp where I am and a pretty good raiding crew.
Great!! Now, how to I private message you so I am not posting on a public board? Lol. I really appreciate the help.
I don't have Facebook anymore, but ai still have messenger. You can look me up, Shawn Ogaz, profile picture is my newborn son. Should be easy to find, pretty sure I an the only one.
It doesn't show that you messaged me, I may be unsearchable, what's you Facebook name? I will search you and also adjust my profile visibility.
Hi joseph, can I get some assistance with heracros/corsola, I live in the USA, and can get you or any friends a Tauros if needed.