Looking for Relicanth, Minun, Lunatone, Torkoal

Discussion in 'Regional Exclusives Trade and Exchange' started by Boweazie, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Boweazie

    Boweazie New Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    I live in the United States and can offer Tauros, Plusle, Solrock, and Seviper. Tauros and Seviper are fairly common; I see them almost every day. Plusle and Solrock are less common sightings, which occur about once or twice, per week. I can catch any of these Pokemon in exchange for the Pokemon I am seeking. The pokemon I want are Relicanth, Minun, Torkoal, and Lunatone. Message me if interested or willing to help. After I receive your private message, arrangements will be made to trade information. Thank you!!
  2. Joe

    Joe New Member

    Feb 1, 2018
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    I think I can trade you all the Pokémon you need. My code is 3626-2303-8176. Just reply with your code and I’ll add you.
  3. Boweazie

    Boweazie New Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    I think you're talking about Nintendo 3ds games. Am I right? I don't need these Pokemon one the 3ds games. These forums are to exchange account information in pokemon go, allowing one account to log in around the world to capture regional exclusive pokemon. Although if you are talking about trading Pokemon on the 3DS, I play moon and ultra moon and have been looking for a HA truant Durant. If you have one,I'll give you something sweet for it.

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