All of the Nest and Habitat locations in New Jersey are found here: Please let us know if there are any inaccuracies with the spawn locations or if you know more Nests and Habitats in New Jersey.
I know spawn nests have changed but if anyone knows any nests around the Asbury Park area I would love to hear about them
Holmdel Park, Longstreet Rd, Holmdel used to be a Squirtle nest. I'm not sure what it has turned into, I'll check next time I visit.
Thanks for update if you get a chance sometime soon I'll be working on updating the wiki throughout the week to try to make it as accurate as possible.
There is a Drowzee nest at Windward Beach Park, Brick, NJ. I went there on 7/31 and got maybe eight or ten in an hour. This was after the latest game updates.
UPDATE: 8/2/16 Saddle River Park, Staryu and Psyduck Nest, Once awhile a charmander and mouth, Lots of Poke Stops around lake. 760 Saddle River Rd, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 Constitution Park, Fort Lee, NJ, Gym / tons of poke stops / Huge Drowse Nest / barely any Jynx, zubat / once a while a taurus and gastly
The Magikarp nest at Keyport Waterfront Park should be listed as confirmed. I caught at least 30 in less than two hours - by far the best site I've come across. The three Pokestops are almost continuously lured in the evening. This site is also a nest for Tentacools and Psyducks. I also caught two Dratinis, a few Bulbasaurs, a lot of Horseas, and saw two Pinsirs which I didn't try to catch.
Edgewater, NJ / Edgewater Ferry Landing Nest Magikarp, Slowpoke, Psyduck, sometimes Bellsprout, Every ten minutes Dragonair / Dratini Four Poke Stops and Gym all in one spot! Bathroom / Food right their on the spot! 989 River Road Edgewater, NJ 07020
Piermont, NY / Piermont Pier Nest Staru, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Magikarp, Seel, Horsea, Goldeen. Best place to get water pokemons. Tons of poke stops, two gyms, At the end of the pier there is three poke stops in one spot. You can drive on to the pier if there any parking. 200 Ferry Rd Piermont, NY 10968
Since the 7/31 update, a park that I drive past everyday seems to have turned into a spawn point for Magmar. I saw two earlier in the week around 6pm, but hesitated to post it because I wasn't sure. I saw another one tonight driving home around midnight. Magmars spawn next to the gym at the corner of Clarksville Rd and Princeton-Hightstown Rd in Princeton Junction. That park has 6 Pokestops around it, but other than Magmars, I've only seen ordinary Pokemons. Nevertheless, it's a good place for me to stock up Pokeballs. Another interesting place is the strip mall just south of Mitsuwa Marketplace in Edgewater. Around Fitness Factory Health Club (an actual gym for humans), I've seen Magnemites and Voltorbs spawn. I collected six Magnemites within half an hour once when the Pokestop next to the gym was lured. Rare Pokemons also seem to pop up time to time near the Outback Steakhouse. There are three Pokestops at this strip mall that are almost continuously lured at night, including one inside the MacDonalds, which a good place to work while charging your phone, collecting items, and catching Pokemons at the same time. I see people at night drive around the carpark popping back and forth between the lured Pokestops.
The Charmander nest at Saddle River County Park should be marked as confirmed. Lots of people already know this and head there to catch Charmanders. Although a nest, they are still comparatively rare - I saw five in about two hours. One spawn point appears to be at the south end of the lake.
Bulbasaur Nest - Passaic Orioles Confirmed 2016/07/30 Passaic 332 Passaic Ave 40.849448 -74.136251 Veterans Memorial Park has been a charmander nest for a while not a bulbasaur nest.