This show the drop rate for each item in the game
Migration has happened. Electra Buzz at Southside park and ladyba at Gower park. That's only two I've been to yet.
NEST MIGRATION # 16 Sentret - Falls Park, Greenville, SC Magmar - Butler Springs Park, Greenville, SC Oddish - Gower Estate Park, Greenville, SC Totodile - Cleveland Park, Greenville, SC Caterpie - Wenwood Soccer Complex, Greenville, SC Growlithe - Sunset Park, Mauldin, SC Kabuto - Heritage Park, Simpsonville, SC Cyndaquil - Bonnie Brae Golf Club, Greenville, SC Psyduck - Lake Conestee Park(Trail Path), Mauldin, SC Hoothoot- Lake Conestee Park, Mauldin, SC Electabuzz - Southside Park, Simpsonville, SC Snubbull - Lakeside Park, Greenville, SC Squirtle - Lakeview Golf Club, Greenville, SC Sunkern - Legacy Pines Golf Club, Greenville, SC Spearow - Legacy Park, Greenville, SC Voltorb (Pond)- MESA Soccer Complex, Simpsonville, SC Slugmar - MESA Soccer Complex, Simpsonville, SC Wobbuffet - Century Park, Greer, SC Goldeen- Herdklotz Park, Greenville, SC Magikarp - Greer City Park, Greer, SC ? - Northside Park, Travelers Rest, SC Remoraid - Pelham Mill Park, Greenville, SC Chikorika - Simpsonville City Park, Simpsonville, SC Onix - Green Forest Park, Greenville, SC Wobbuffet - Paris Mountain State Park, Travelers Rest, SC Spinarak - Trailblazer Park, Travelers Rest, SC Murkrow - Gateway Park, Travelers Rest, SC Remoraid - Timmons Park, Greenville, SC ? - Springfield Park, Mauldin, SC Remoraid - Tyger River Park, Duncan, SC
In regards to the drop rate of items, there was a news release yesterday that they are returning the 7th day guaranteed drop of an evolution item. I didn't get any for DAYS. Meaning that since they introduced the new evolution items, I didn't get a single drop until a week ago and now I have had a few.
Also, can anyone tell me where they might have found a Grimer or a Muk? I am only missing Muk from my Gen 1 and I will be travelling to S. Carolina next week. Even if it isn't many of them, I don't mind walking for the candy. Thanks!
Pokemon Go Scanner For Greenville ONLY Pokemon Spawn Stats
These are awesome and will help a lot. Thank you! Wish we had something like that up here where I actually live.
No Problem here a another one This is another scanner for worldwide I think Some scans may fail. I suggest to keep trying. Service are overload.
NEST MIGRATION # 17 Nidoran M - Falls Park, Greenville, SC Onix - Butler Springs Park, Greenville, SC Natu - Gower Estate Park, Greenville, SC Jnyx - Cleveland Park, Greenville, SC ? - Wenwood Soccer Complex, Greenville, SC Misdreavus - Sunset Park, Mauldin, SC Onix- Heritage Park, Simpsonville, SC Pikachu - Bonnie Brae Golf Club, Greenville, SC Sunkern - Lake Conestee Park(Trail Path), Mauldin, SC Cubone- Lake Conestee Park, Mauldin, SC Scyther - Southside Park, Simpsonville, SC Spearow - Lakeside Park, Greenville, SC ? - Lakeview Golf Club, Greenville, SC ? - Legacy Pines Golf Club, Greenville, SC Abra - Legacy Park, Greenville, SC ? (Pond)- MESA Soccer Complex, Simpsonville, SC ? - MESA Soccer Complex, Simpsonville, SC ? - Century Park, Greer, SC Teddiursa- Herdklotz Park, Greenville, SC Nidoran F - Greer City Park, Greer, SC ? - Northside Park, Travelers Rest, SC ? - Pelham Mill Park, Greenville, SC Nidoran M - Simpsonville City Park, Simpsonville, SC ? - Green Forest Park, Greenville, SC ?- Paris Mountain State Park, Travelers Rest, SC ? - Trailblazer Park, Travelers Rest, SC ? - Gateway Park, Travelers Rest, SC Swinub - Timmons Park, Greenville, SC ? - Springfield Park, Mauldin, SC Zubat - Tyger River Park, Duncan, SC NEST ACTIVE SINCE 3/23/17
I want to thank everyone on here that helped me! I was able to swoop in and grab one but didn't get to stay long. This map was very much appreciated! So many other Pokemon that I would have like to have but really didn't have the time and only did it for the one I needed to complete Gen 1 as much as I can. Of course...after I caught my other Grimer and walked and walked and walked and eventually evolved him/her, I ended up hatching one out of an egg -.- Great play, game. Great play...
Swinhub now at Southside Park, Simpsonville, SC ... any info on where to get scyther after the recent migration?