NEST MIGRATION #21 Pidgey - Falls Park, Greenville, SC Jynx- Butler Springs Park, Greenville, SC Exeggcute - Gower Estate Park, Greenville, SC Poliwag - Cleveland Park, Greenville, SC Sneasel - Wenwood Soccer Complex, Greenville, SC Sandshrew - Sunset Park, Mauldin, SC Slugma - Heritage Park, Simpsonville, SC - Bonnie Brae Golf Club, Greenville, SC Jigglypuff - Lake Conestee Park (Trail Path), Mauldin, SC Sunkern - Lake Conestee Park, Mauldin, SC Marill - Southside Park, Simpsonville, SC Nidoran M - Lakeside Park, Greenville, SC Swinub - Lakeview Golf Club, Greenville, SC - Legacy Pines Golf Club, Greenville, SC Magikarp - Legacy Park, Greenville, SC Diglett - MESA Soccer Complex, Simpsonville, SC Zubat - MESA Soccer Complex (Pond), Simpsonville, SC Aipom - Century Park, Greer, SC Ekans - Herdklotz Park, Greenville, SC Shuckle - Greer City Park, Greer, SC - Pelham Mill Park, Greenville, SC Machop - Simpsonville City Park, Simpsonville, SC Swinub - Green Forest Park, Greenville, SC Sandshrew - Paris Mountain State Park, Travelers Rest, SC Shellder - Trailblazer Park, Travelers Rest, SC Diglett - Gateway Park, Travelers Rest, SC Omanyte - Timmons Park, Greenville, SC Houndour - Tyger River Park, Duncan, SC Nest active til 5/17 to 5/31
Has anyone found any Unowns in the Greenville area? I'm only 9 short of completing my Pokedex (minus the 11 legendaries, 5 regionals, and 2 unreleased Smeargle and Delibird) and Unown is the only one that isn't one I can get through evolution. I'm lacking Machamp, Magnemite, Dutrio, Ampharos, Hitmontop, Kingdra, Tyranitar, Porygon 2, and Unown. Any help would be appreciated.
Same I have not see unown but my friend caught one downtown (don't known where exactly in downtown). Mostly the pokemon you looking for spawn at downtown (their final evolution) but there're rare.
NEST MIGRATION #21 Gastly - Falls Park, Greenville, SC Magnemite - Butler Springs Park, Greenville, SC Drowzee - Gower Estate Park, Greenville, SC Onix - Cleveland Park, Greenville, SC Drowzeel - Wenwood Soccer Complex, Greenville, SC - Sunset Park, Mauldin, SC Meowth - Heritage Park, Simpsonville, SC Seel - Bonnie Brae Golf Club, Greenville, SC JNidoran M - Lake Conestee Park (Trail Path), Mauldin, SC Weedle - Lake Conestee Park, Mauldin, SC Marill - Southside Park, Simpsonville, SC Pinsir - Lakeside Park, Greenville, SC - Lakeview Golf Club, Greenville, SC Shuckle - Legacy Pines Golf Club, Greenville, SC Spearow - Legacy Park, Greenville, SC Diglett - MESA Soccer Complex, Simpsonville, SC Oddish - MESA Soccer Complex (Pond), Simpsonville, SC - Century Park, Greer, SC Magnemite - Herdklotz Park, Greenville, SC Slugma - Greer City Park, Greer, SC - Pelham Mill Park, Greenville, SC Abra - Simpsonville City Park, Simpsonville, SC Meowth - Green Forest Park, Greenville, SC Hoothoot - Paris Mountain State Park, Travelers Rest, SC Ekans - Trailblazer Park, Travelers Rest, SC - Gateway Park, Travelers Rest, SC - Timmons Park, Greenville, SC Cubone - Tyger River Park, Duncan, SC Wobbuffet - Runway Park, Greenville, SC Nest Active Til 5/31 - 6/14
So I have been diligently watching the Norcom map (and the statistics page). I have not seen an Unown in the last three weeks. :/ Ugh.
I get all the update nest from here they haven't been updated and plus I have stopped playing this game since #21
So anyone here in Greer? I'd like to have some help with the bigger Raid bosses but I don't know anyone else that plays seriously. Also, I've seen a Heracross and Kangaskhan in gyms recently. Has their availability been changed at all lately?