holmdel park - has gone from a charmander nest to sandshrew Raritan Bay Waterfront Park - is no longer a nest sadly as I wasted quite some time there.
I also just came back from Keyport. It now spawns Squirtle and Bulbasaur. Occasionally execute, and definitely still magikarp. Dratini maybe 1-2 every hour. Seems to be the best nest I've seen in NJ.
About Keyport water front park, as of December 19: No Dratini Good Magikarp nest. (Working on getting my second Gyrados so that helps!) Lots of Tentacool (useless IMO) Caught a few Bulbasaurs within two hours span a few days ago. But none today. Some Exeggscutes (and some of those were two blocks inland, found them following the nearby screen.) In search of Dratini and Snorlax !! Anyone know where to find them? Currently level 32 and still no Dragonite; having caught only two low CP Snorlax so far(500's). Very jealous whenever I see Dragonites in the gym that belong to trainers under level 30... LOL!