There are quite a few rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go. I decided to post a list here to help people see the value of the Pokemon they are trying to catch! I am sure the lists and information on the game will change over time but for now, these ones are considered rare! Machamp Ponyta Weezing Voltrob Horsea Staryu Tangela Cubone Ryhorn Grimmer Magnemite Scyther Lickitung
What classifies these are rare though? Like I don't understand how they go about this. Is it based on the card game or anime in any way? I would like to think that a Cubone , Staryu, and Horsea should be quite common.
There is an even better list, I posted in as a thread. You missed a lot of the super rare ones like Mewtwo which I believe is the most rare in the game. Check out my thread! Has pictures too --->