Gotta catch ‘em all? You can now do it in real life with this new game. Who didn’t dream about catching Pokemon in real life? Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle or Pikachu? They can all be your Pokemons. The game is free to download and can be played on both Android and iOS devices and it uses the GPS from your smartphone to locate Pokemon in real world. How to play? First you must create your own avatar and customize it by chosing the hair, skin, eye-color and outfits. After creating yourself the GPS will locate your avatar and your surroundings and you can begin the hunt. The funny and quite interesting thing about the game is that if you want a water-type Pokemon you must go somewhere near water. Some Pokemone require specific places to be when you look after them. Only by standing near water the Pokemon will appear on your screen. In the moment your phone will locate a Pokemon it will start vibrating to alert you of it’s presence. You have a map on which they will appear as soon as you start walking and searching for them. Everytime you catch a Pokemon you level up. Also don’t forget to go to the PokeStops to get PokeBalls and regenerating potions. PokeStops or Pokemon Gyms are usually located at the popular meeting places such as parks or tourists attractions. The main problem in the game is the server problem. If you think that you are the only one who got the “Our servers are experiencing issues. Please come back later” message, trust me, we all got it at some point. We all got angry because of this and it’s very frustrating. However if you’re lucky enough everything will be get back on track and you can continue hunting for those little creatures. By using the GPS and the internet all the time while playing the game, it will consume your battery almost immediately. Pokemon Go does something that no other game did before: it will take you out of your house so you won’t hear your parents telling you: Go and play outside with your friends. Now you have reasons to stay outside all day. After you reach Level 5 you can choose a team ( red, blue or yellow) and fight against other teams at a Pokemon gym. Pokemon Go will definitely bring back some good old memories and parents with small children must go with them if they want to go outside and play Pokemon Go. The game creates a bond between kids and their parents. It brings the childish side of parents (especially dads). It’s very important not to leave your kid alone in the park to catch Pokemon as you sit on the bench and read a newspaper or check your emails. Go with him. Have fun too! It is dangerous for young kids to run around for Pokemon because they won’t pay any attention to the cars or anything that might harm them. Pokemon Go generated some controversies too. Shayla Wiggins who is 19 years old found a dead body floating on the Wind River as she was trying to find a water-type Pokemon. She then called the police and a crew took the body out of the water. In O’Fallon, Missouri 4 men used Pokemon Go to track down players in specific places and to rob them. A funny story is that one man woke up with a bunch of people in front of his house because the game decided that his house would be perfect for a Pokemon gym. Apparently the game used an old version of the map and his house was considered to be a church 40 years ago. Pokemon Go is available in US, Australia, New Zealand and right now in Germany so if you live there what are you waiting for? Go with your friends or by yourself and catch ‘em all! It is a very funny and entertaining game and I would definitely recommend it especially to those who watched Pokemon when they were young.
What I love about this game is that it is encouraging people of all ages to go outside and play again! I am all for gaming and stuff but I want to see more of these kind of games that enable kids to go outside and play like real children again.
Definitely. I see so many people out playing this game, talking to each other and having fun. It's mostly a good thing.