This is something that will help you not only save on battery life, but make catching Pokemon easier. What it does it takes off the actual image the camera is picking up (saving your phone battery life) and replaces it with a nicely detailed background. This also will align the Pokemon in the center of your screen to make it easier to catch! Pretty neat huh?
Thanks for sharing this. I knew it was an option but I never tried it. I am going to have to use it and see how it does today. My phone dies pretty fast when I am on the go playing the game. I mostly play around my house but I also go to the park.
I knew about this but I honestly tried it and didn't notice much of a difference. Maybe newer phones handle this differently. I am not sure. My phone is like what, 5 years old now. lol
I felt like such a moron because I had set it to this and thought the game didn't work on my phone LOL I got used to it then I found out how to change it and I too prefer it with the thing off.