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Number 016
Type normal, flying
Classification Tiny Bird Pokemon
Height 1′00″, 0.3m
Weight 4.0lbs, 1.8kg
Evolves To Pidgeotto
Egg Distance 2km
Standard Moves Tackle, Quick Attack
Special Moves Twister, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter
Description Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.
Difficulty to find  ??
Acquired by Pidgey Nests, Pidgey Habitats

Pidgey is a normal, flying type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Pidgey Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 80
Base Attack 94
Base Defense 90
Base Capture Rate 0.4
Base Flee Rate 0.2
Collision Radius 0.1344m
Collision Height 0.25m
Collision Head Radius 0.13m
Movement Type Jump
Movement Timer 10.0s
Jump Time 1.4s
Attack Time 29.0s
Pokedex Height 0.3m
Pokedex Weight 1.8kg
Height Standard Deviation 0.04
Weight Standard Deviation 0.225


Standard Moves

Special Moves


Acquired By


Additional Information