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Shop allows the player to use real world money to purchase PokeCoins then use the coins to purchase various items in the shop.

Bag UpgradeUpgrades200 PokéCoinsThe bag can hold 50 more items.
Egg IncubatorIncubators150 PokéCoinsAllows trainer to place a Pokémon Egg to be hatched.
IncenseLures80/500/1250 PokéCoinsAllows trainer to attract wild Pokémon, for 30 minutes.
Lucky EggLucky Eggs80/500/1250 PokéCoinsDoubles the amount of Experience Points gained from any source with more quantity, for 30 minutes.
Lure ModuleLures100/680 PokéCoinsAllows trainer to attract wild Pokémon at PokéStops, for 30 minutes. All trainers in the area can catch Pokémon that are affected by the Module.
Poke BallPoke Balls100/460/800 PokéCoinsAllows trainer to catch Pokémon.
PokeCoinsCurrencyReal World MoneyUsed to purchase items in the Shop.
Pokemon Storage UpgradeUpgrades200 PokéCoinsPokémon Storage System can hold 50 more Pokémon.


See also: PokeCoins
Coins Price
100 $0.99
550 $4.99
1,200 $9.99
2,500 $19.99
5,200 $39.99
14,500 $99.99