1800's Infantry Statue - Murfreesboro, TN +
, 1943 MTSU Name Changed - Murfreesboro, TN +
, A Helping Hand - Murfreesboro, TN +
, A Vast Depot - Murfreesboro, TN +
, A Wilderness of Timber has Disappeared - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Antiques Unlimited - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Battle at Stones River - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Bellwood Church Of Christ - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Bioretention Basins and Rain Gardens - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Blue Coast Mural - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Cathay Asian Bistro - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Central Christian Church of Christ - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Christ Apostolic Church - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Chuy's Tex Mex - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Civic Plaza and Garden - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Cross Memorial - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Dahlgren Gun - Murfreesboro, TN +
, Engage! - Murfreesboro, TN +
, FedEx Office - Murfreesboro, TN +
, First Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Murfreesboro, TN +
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