
Template:Trainer Spot Infobox

93 bytes removed, 04:49, 8 August 2016
no edit summary
: Name of the [[Pokemon]]
: Image of the PokemonTrainer Spot: E.g. bulbasaur1.png
: Latitude of the Map Coordinate for the NestTrainer Spot
: E.g. 40.770727
: Longitude of the Map Coordinate for the NestTrainer Spot
: E.g. -73.975912
: Country of where the Nest Trainer Spot is
: State or Province of where the Nest Trainer Spot is
: Town or City of where the Nest Trainer Spot is
: Street Address of where the Nest Trainer Spot is
'''<nowiki>|Location Name=</nowiki>'''
: Location Name of the Nest (usually in a park): E.g. Central Park: Place the Location name in the page name. For example: [[Electabuzz Nest - Central Park]]Trainer Spot
: Notes and additional information
'''<nowiki>|Additional Info=</nowiki>'''
: Link back to the Pokemon's Nests pageTrainer Spot in that State: E.g. [[Pinsir NestsNew York Trainer Spots]]
: If ''Confirmed'' then Nest Trainer Spot is there. : If ''Unconfirmed'' then Nest Trainer Spot might not be there, confirmation is needed. : If ''Gone?'' then Nest Trainer Spot is probably not there.: If ''Best'' then the Nest Trainer Spot is one of the best for that PokemonState.
'''<nowiki>|Confirmed Date=</nowiki>'''
: The date when the nest Trainer Spot was confirmed or denied.
: E.g. 2016/08/01
: We use Confirmed Date because Niantic changes spawn locations quite oftenPokeStops and Pokemon Spawns.