Tapu Bulu

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Tapu Bulu
Tapu Bulu
Number 787
Generation 7
Type grass, fairy
Classification Land Spirit Pokemon
Max CP 3180
Max HP  ??
Max Attack 264
Max Defense 240
Max Stamina 155
Height 6'3", 1.91m
Weight 100.3lbs, 45.5kg
Evolves From Base
Next Evolution Req Max
Egg Distance  ??
Standard Moves  ?????
Special Moves  ?????
Strengths dark, electric, dragon, water, fighting, grass, ground
Weaknesses fire, flying, steel, ice, poison
Description It pulls large trees up by the roots and swings them around. It causes vegetation to grow, and then it absorbs energy from the growth.
Spawn Chance  ??
Acquired by Where to Find and Catch Tapu Bulu

Tapu Bulu is a grass, fairy type Pokemon.


Hidden Stats


Standard Moves

Special Moves

Old Moves



Strengths and Weaknesses

Acquired By


Additional Information