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Revision as of 21:02, 17 July 2016 by Pokemongo (talk | contribs)

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Number 015
Type bug, poison
Classification Poison Bee Pokemon
Height 3′03″, 1.0m
Weight 65.0lbs, 29.5kg
Evolves From Kakuna
Egg Distance N/A
Standard Moves Bug Bite, Poison Jab
Special Moves Aerial Ace, Sludge Bomb, X-Scissor
Description Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach its nest-this is for their own safety. If angered, they will attack in a furious swarm.
Difficulty to find  ??
Acquired by Beedrill Nests, Beedrill Habitats

Beedrill is a bug, poison type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Beedrill Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 130
Base Attack 144
Base Defense 130
Base Capture Rate 0.10000000149011612
Base Flee Rate 0.05999999865889549
Collision Radius 0.30799999833106995m
Collision Height 0.5774999856948853m
Collision Head Radius 0.23100000619888306m
Movement Type Electric
Movement Timer 6.0s
Jump Time 1.0s
Attack Time 17.0s
Pokedex Height 1.0m
Pokedex Weight 29.5kg
Height Standard Deviation 0.125
Weight Standard Deviation 3.6875


Standard Moves

Special Moves


  • Evolution Requirement: None

Acquired By


Additional Information