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Revision as of 21:07, 17 July 2016 by Pokemongo (talk | contribs)

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Number 023
Type poison
Classification Snake Pokemon
Height 6′07″, 2.0m
Weight 15.2lbs, 6.9kg
Evolves To Arbok
Egg Distance 5km
Standard Moves Acid, Poison Sting
Special Moves Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Wrap
Description Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any direction with a glare from its upraised head.
Difficulty to find  ??
Acquired by Ekans Nests, Ekans Habitats

Ekans is a poison type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Ekans Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 70
Base Attack 112
Base Defense 112
Base Capture Rate 0.4000000059604645
Base Flee Rate 0.15000000596046448
Collision Radius 0.25949999690055847m
Collision Height 0.34599998593330383m
Collision Head Radius 0.13840000331401825m
Movement Type Jump
Movement Timer 29.0s
Jump Time 1.25s
Attack Time 10.0s
Pokedex Height 2.0m
Pokedex Weight 6.900000095367432kg
Height Standard Deviation 0.25
Weight Standard Deviation 0.862500011920929


Standard Moves

Special Moves


Acquired By


Additional Information