The Numbers

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Revision as of 15:00, 15 November 2016 by Pokemongo (talk | contribs)

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Updated until 2016/11/07

  • Rival Gym prestige loss: 1000 per defender, 1000 extra for the gym leader (was 500/1500). Note: a 52k+ gym will likely count as if it is 51k.
  • Friendly gym prestige gain per battle: with R=CP_defender/CP_attacker: for R>=1: 250R (capped at 500) (lower cap 50(?)). These are about half the old values. Note: CP_attacker is the highest CP in your team of six, regardless of whether you used him.
  • First catch of the day bonus: +500 XP (This will be listed in the popup after catching) and +600 stardust. It should count calendar days in local time, but it seems that the days start at 12:00 (noon), not 0:00 (midnight).
  • 7-day streak of first catch of the day bonus: +2000 XP/+2400 stardust. This bonus adds to the daily bonus above.
  • First PokeStop of the day bonus: +500 XP on top of 50 XP and double items (Non-bonus items were doubled from 3-4 between 7 Nov and 11 Nov). Note: it is really "first stop of the day without full bag". Bonuses on item counts (such as 10th unique PokeStop and the 7-11 November bonus) seem to be multiplicative.
  • 7-day streak of first PokeStop of the day bonus: +2000 XP, even more items. This adds to the 550 XP above, for a total of 2550 XP.
  • PokeStop speed limit: Conflicting data. Approximately 30 km/h, "less than 32 km/h (20 mph)", "less than 48 km/h (30 mph)", approximately 40 km/h (25 mph). Speed measurement may be instantaneous, average over 10-second intervals, or with a longer memory. I found inconsistent cutoffs on different occasions.
  • Speed limit for hatching and buddy candy (TBC) 10.5 km/h. Speed measurement likely (but not quite?) based on location samples every 60 seconds.
  • Gym lockout time after location drift: 3 minutes (was 10).
  • XP for battling rival gym: 100 XP per defender defeated, 50 XP for full gym clear.
  • XP for training friendly gym: With R=CP_defender/CP_attacker: 10% of prestige gained for R>1; 31R-5 for R<1, or about 20% of the prestige gained.
  • Speed limit for wild-spawn sightings: approximately 48 km/h (30 mph).
  • Speed limit for incense-spawn sightings: above 100 km/h (TBC).
  • Speed limit for catching incense Pokemon approximately 65 km/h (TBC); otherwise escape-flee after the first ball.
  • Speed limit for catching wild-spawn Pokemon if it exists, it's above 112 km/h (70 mph).