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Revision as of 04:10, 18 July 2016 by Jackie Chico (talk | contribs) (Hidden Stats)

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Number 005
Type fire
Classification Flame Pokemon
Height 3′07″, 1.1m
Weight 41.9lbs, 19.0kg
Evolves From Charmander
Evolves To Charizard
Egg Distance N/A
Standard Moves Scratch, Ember
Special Moves Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Fire Punch
Description Charmeleon mercilessly destroys its foes using its sharp claws. If it encounters a strong foe, it turns aggressive. In this excited state, the flame at the tip of its tail flares with a bluish white color.
Difficulty to find  ??
Acquired by Charmeleon Nests, Charmeleon Habitats

Charmeleon is a fire type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Charmeleon Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 116
Base Attack 160
Base Defense 140
Base Capture Rate 0.08
Base Flee Rate 0.07
Collision Radius 0.26m
Collision Height 0.7725m
Collision Head Radius 0.232m
Movement Type Jump
Movement Timer 23.0s
Jump Time 1.0s
Attack Time 8.0s
Pokedex Height 1.1m
Pokedex Weight 19.0kg
Height Standard Deviation 0.138
Weight Standard Deviation 2.375


Standard Moves

Special Moves


Acquired By


Additional Information