Nidoran (F)

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Nidoran (F)
Nidoran (F)
Number 029
Type poison
Classification Poison Pin Pokemon
Height 1′04″, 0.4m
Weight 15.4lbs, 7.0kg
Evolves To Nidorina
Egg Distance 5km
Standard Moves Poison Sting, Bite
Special Moves Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam
Description Nidoran? has barbs that secrete a powerful poison. They are thought to have developed as protection for this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases a horrible toxin from its horn.
Difficulty to find  ??
Acquired by Nidoran (F) Nests, Nidoran (F) Habitats

Nidoran♀ is a poison type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Nidoran (F) Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 110
Base Attack 100
Base Defense 104
Base Capture Rate 0.4
Base Flee Rate 0.15
Collision Radius 0.19m
Collision Height 0.37m
Collision Head Radius 0.19m
Movement Type Jump
Movement Timer 29.0s
Jump Time 1.25s
Attack Time 10.0s
Pokedex Height 0.4m
Pokedex Weight 7.0kg
Height Standard Deviation 0.05
Weight Standard Deviation 0.875


Standard Moves

Special Moves


Acquired By


Additional Information