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Revision as of 05:34, 18 July 2016 by Jackie Chico (talk | contribs) (Hidden Stats)

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Number 037
Type fire
Classification Fox Pokemon
Height 2′00″, 0.6m
Weight 21.8lbs, 9.9kg
Evolves To Ninetales
Egg Distance 5km
Standard Moves Quick Attack, Ember
Special Moves Flamethrower, Body Slam, Flame Charge
Description At the time of its birth, Vulpix has one white tail. The tail separates into six if this Pokémon receives plenty of love from its Trainer. The six tails become magnificently curled.
Difficulty to find  ??
Acquired by Vulpix Nests, Vulpix Habitats

Vulpix is a fire type Pokemon.

Hidden Stats

Vulpix Hidden Stats
Base Stamina 76
Base Attack 106
Base Defense 118
Base Capture Rate 0.24
Base Flee Rate 0.1
Collision Radius 0.315m
Collision Height 0.63m
Collision Head Radius 0.6m
Movement Type Jump
Movement Timer 10.0s
Jump Time 1.0s
Attack Time 29.0s
Pokedex Height 0.6m
Pokedex Weight 9.9kg
Height Standard Deviation 0.08
Weight Standard Deviation 1.28


Standard Moves

Special Moves


Acquired By


Additional Information