Working Pokemon Go Trackers, Scanners and Radars

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Updated 2/16/2017

Sites that Allow You to Scan A Custom Location

  • - Global. Custom location, single-shot scans. Gyms, stops and pokemon. Gym details are only team / prestige. Scanning is very unreliable (due to load, claimed).
  • - Global. Custom location, single-shot scans. Currently not working with a message. When there's no message, scans are hit or miss.
  • - Global. Custom location, single-shot scans. Scan may take a while to complete. Scan pattern: hexagon, 3 step radius.

Region-Specific Sites, Pogom-Based

Originally from Pogom, but the sites that use these generally customized them quite a bit.

  • - Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronado, down town Boston and Paramatta in Australia. Continuous real-time scanner. Pokemon only.
  • - Practically all of Switzerland, a good chunk of south-west Germany, and Belgrade. Gyms, stops and pokemon. Continuous real-time scanner. Gym details include the defenders' details. Pokestops don't show lures.

Region-Specific Sites, #PidgeyLivesMatter-Based

I have no idea where this project originated. Google search "This map only shows non-lured Pokémon" for hits.

  • - South-east region of Busan, South Korea. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Down town Houston, TX and extending a bit west into the greater Houston area. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Most of Las Vegas. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - London, UK mostly half-way out to the M25 and to Romford. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Most of New York city. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pokemon only, and only non-common (which right now means there's Lickitungs.. Lickitungs everywhere). Realtime.
  • - Greater Seoul, South Korea. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Singapore. Continuous real-time scanner. Pokemon only.
  • - Sydney, Australia. Pokemon only. Continuous real-time scanner.

Region-Specific Sites, PokemonGo-Map/RocketMap-Based

This project was originally PokemonGo-Map. Latest versions are under the name of RocketMap. Older versions often have issues and lack some features such as detailed gym filters. Google search "use gym sidebar" for hits. i18n may cause non-English sites to be missed. This is easily the most popular project and probably has dozens of sites. Here's just a few from the first 10 pages of search results:

North America

  • - Nashua, MA. Gyms/stops/pokemon. Pokemon scanner does not appear to be working, gym data may be outdated.
  • - Vero Beach down to Hobe Sound, Florida, USA. Gyms/stops/pokemon. Gyms show team/level/prestige and defender details. Stops with lure filter may not be working. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Down town Indianapolis, USA and surrounding areas Carmel, Greenwood, Noblesville, Anderson and select smaller areas. Gyms show team/level/prestige only. Stop with lure filter may not be working. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Rock Hill, SC, USA. Gyms/stops/pokemon. Gyms show team/level/prestige and defender details. Stops with lure filter may not be working. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Various cities in the Richmond VA area, D.C., and others. Maps not publicly accessible - however, alert tweets and facebook posts are public. Site accepts new location suggestions and donations grease the wheels.
  • - Various areas in/around Charlotte, NC. Gyms show team/level/prestige only. Stops with lure filter may not be working. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Orlando, Florida. Gyms and stops. Pokemon feature appears broken. Seems real-time enough for Gyms - details shows only teams and prestige, though. Stops show whether lured or not.
  • - Many cities in southern Florida, mostly along the eastern coastline (Miami/Ft. Lauderdale/West Palm Beach). Gyms/stops/pokemon. Gym details only show team/level/prestige. As with others based on this map codebase, the stops' lure filter appears to be broken.
  • - Angus/Borden, north of Toronto, CA. Gyms/stops/pokemon. Gyms show team/level/prestige only. Stops with lure filter may not be working. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Down town Toronto. Gyms, stops and pokemon. Continuous real-time scanner. Gym details include defender status. Stops includes filter for lured only, but that feature appears broken (seems unlikely none whatsoever are lured during this event where lures last 6 hours).
  • - Hamilton, Canada. Gyms/stops/pokemon. Gyms show Team/level/prestige/defender details. Stops with lure filter is working. Continuous real-time scanner.
  • - Windsor, CA (across from Detroit, USA). Gyms show team/level/prestige only. Stops with lure filter may not be working. Continuous real-time scanner.