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Template:Nest Infobox

182 bytes removed, 18:41, 2 August 2016
no edit summary
: Location Name of the Nest (usually in a park)
: E.g. Central Park
: Place the Location name in the page name. For example: [[Pinsir Electabuzz Nest - Central Park]]
: Notes and additional information
: If ''Best'' then the Nest is one of the best for that Pokemon.
'''<nowiki>|Confirmed Date=</nowiki>'''
 '''<nowiki>|Update Date=</nowiki>''': The date when the page nest was last updatedconfirmed.: E. g. 2016/08/01: If it says ''NOT UPDATED'' then the page nest has not been updated since the last spawn locations change. If it says ''Recently Moved Need Verification'', confirmed then the page was moved / updated recently and the spawn might be wrongput Not Confirmed

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