Catch Pokemon in Museum of Natural History in New York City

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I heard how awesome this was. It was awesome. Now I am worried it was so awesome there will be backlash if people abuse the awesome.

Spent 2 hours in the Natural History Museum on the UWS today and picked up 6 Charmander (not counting the several that ran from me) and 7 Eevees among dozens of other assorted Pokemon.

Either route (aka staying indoors or staying outdoors) has lures and guaranteed spawns for what you came for and its own pros and cons.

Indoors. Because Air Conditioning.

Ending up outdoors. All those Charmander when I tapped out early.


Quick running? Good phones can hit that indoor wifi too and gps juggle and hit some of the indoor pokes if you are lucky. Also you never feel stuck. If you are using Pokevision you can always bike away to grab something exotic nearby in the Park from that 77th street entrance. Also MMYM but the people I ran into were always chill and willing to say "hey stand right around here I got the X to pop about here" or talk about learning to love pidgey when parked at lures.


General Benefits? Natural History has free wifi which makes GPS really tolerate those stone walls. Air conditioning. Relatively clean toilets. (Bring your own water and power bar. Their food court is evil.) Ticket price? "Suggested donation" Stand in the giant line, don't let the mean volunteer ladies irritate you and give them a buck or whatever you feel is proper for the amount of time you will be spending INSIDE the museum. Think of yourself of that guy who sits in the Starbucks for 3 hours on a single bottle of water and is entitled to an entire table.

Bleep Planetarium tickets. From the "ground level" you can take the Great Hall "north" and head to the "we want your space loving money anyway" cosmos gift shop that is on a mezzanine creeping faaaar into the planetarium. You can grab any poke that spawns in that area from that mezzanine pretty much.

BOTH Indoors and Outdoors

Doable but not suggested to do too much. Going outside there are a couple quick ways. There is the "Columbus Terrace" which will get you out towards the NW corner near the planetarium entrance in a flash if you are staying to the "ground level" and there is a few cut around spots to the great hall and out the front. Also more if you look.

Coming back in? Only through the Great Hall which can get tedious for you and the guards especially if you carried a big backpack as you get searched every time. I carried a Chrome Sling which was below search size so saved headache.

How to be a Polite Pokemon Go player in the NatHis Museum

  • Tourism makes them money so be nice to the tourists. We look like we know where we are going so do tell them where the subway is or where the park entrance is. It takes 2 seconds on that 6 minute Charmander timer.
  • Don't. Run. In. The. Museum.
  • In or Out. Pick a Strategy and stick with it. Especially during peak crush. Later towards the last hour before closing they barely have people to search so you can spaz a little if you want but try but the lures also pop great randoms as well (comments please!) so stability may be in your favor.
  • Guards. Be nice. They have yelling kids and lost tourists. Don't add us to their list. Smile. Open your bag and prepare for the search if you go in.
  • Indoors or outdoors pull over when you are capturing a Pokemon. Don't tap and stay standing in the middle of the sidewalk or hallway. :)
  • The Great Hall can be a nice vs the outdoors but loitering and sitting isn't technically allowed so be mindful and shoo when they say shoo or spend a quarter and get a ticket for the day and go further into the museum.
  • This is a wonderful spot to Poke Hunt but we should keep it that way and not get it Poke-Banned or keep them from making money to keep the wifi solid.