Evolution Items
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Item | Acquired by | Level | Description |
Dawn Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Kirlia into Gallade, Evolves Snorunt into Froslass |
Deep Sea Scale | PokeStops | ????? | Doubles Clamperl's Special Defense,Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded |
Deep Sea Tooth | PokeStops | ????? | Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack, Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded |
Dragon Scale | PokeStops | 10 | Evolves Seadra into Kingdra |
Dubious Disc | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded. |
Dusk Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Murkrow into Honchkrow, Evolves Misdreavus into Mismagius |
Electirizer | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire when traded. |
Fire Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Vulpix into Ninetales, Evolves Growlithe into Arcanine |
Ice Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash, Evolves Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales |
King's Rock | PokeStops | 10 | Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed, Evolves Slowpoke into Slowking |
Leaf Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Gloom into Vileplume, Evolves Weepinbell into Victreebel |
Magmarizer | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded |
Metal Coat | PokeStops | 10 | Evolves Onix into Steelix, Evolves Scyther into Scizor |
Moon Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Evolves Nidorino into Nidoking |
Oval Stone | PokeStops | ????? | If held, evolves Happiny into Chansey when leveled up during the day |
Prism Scale | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Feebas into Milotic when traded |
Razor Claw | PokeStops | ????? | Raises the critical hit ratio of the holder, If held, evolves Sneasel into Weavile when leveled up during the night. |
Razor Fang | PokeStops | ????? | |
Reaper Cloth | PokeStops | ????? | If held, evolves Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded |
Sachet | PokeStops | ????? | If held, evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded |
Shiny Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Togetic into Togekiss, Evolves Roselia into Roserade |
Sun Stone | PokeStops | 10 | Evolves Gloom into Bellossom, Evolves Sunkern into Sunflora |
Thunder Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Pikachu into Raichu, Evolves Eevee into Jolteon |
Up-Grade | PokeStops | 10 | Evolves Porygon into Porygon2 |
Water Stone | PokeStops | ????? | Evolves Poliwhirl into Poliwrath, Evolves Shellder into Cloyster |
Whipped Dream | PokeStops | ????? | If held, evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded |