Any gastly nest near LA or around? They used to spawn at Virginia Park, Santa Monica but from this morning this park is an Onix and Pikachu's nest. Where is gastly now?
Thanks! That information helps! If you are able, though, can you please confirm the time of day you found the Abra? And then check the opposite time of day to see if it is still a Poliwag? Thanks!
Confirmed via map and physical checking that it is a complete abra nest with about the same spawn rate as the polywag nest
The exact Lat/long of where both of my children caught the magnemite was 38.429891, -121.419784. By the time the second one had spawned we were driving out of the park. I also stopped there today at around noon and did not have any come up on the radar. I did the same loop that we had done on the prior visit.
Elk Grove Regional Park, in Elk Grove, CA is now an Omanyte nest, between Gym Battles and walking I was there about 2 hours today and racked up 12-15 in that time. I am sure I could have got more but my 3 yr old doesn't walk that fast....... =) the address of the park is 9950 Elk Grove Florin Rd. Elk Grove, CA 95624 Lat/Long is 38.396271, -121.378559. It is quite a large park, there is also the common Rattata's, Pigey's, and Paras' floating around (those seem to be every where though) with an occasional 10 other semi rare ones popping up too. Very nice park and with the 3 Gym's and about a dozen + poke stops, it's worth the drive to spend a few hours there if you are close to the Sacramento area.
Admin or info updater please dm me as I know Aton of spawns habitats and nests in San Diego ca that many don't know of , and rate real hard to find and almost never find Pokemon spawns
The gastly nest in palos verdes at the golf course is gone walking around 3 hours last night didn't find 1
I want to confirm the Scyther Nest in Belvedere Park is now a Electrabuzz nest. I was there last night between 6:30pm - 8:30pm and I caught between 10-15 Electrabuzz. The address to the park is: Belvedere Park 4914 East Cesar E. Chavez Avenue Los Angeles, Ca. 90022
There is a Jinx nest at the Pacific Palms Golf Course. I was there this past Sunday and I caught 11 Jinx in about 1 1/2 hours. The Address is: Pacific Palms Golf Course One Industry Hills Parkway City Of Industry, Ca. 91744
In your Habitats in California page, I can confirm the following: Charmander - La Brea Tar Pits - for sure a Charmander nest Dratini - Barnsdall Art Park - Was there for 3 hours after 9AM Aug 28 and NO Dratini showed up Gastly - Garfield Park in South Pasadena - Was there walking for 3 hours and NO Gastly showed up
Thanks for letting us know! For the Jinx nest at the Pacific Palms Golf Course. This golf course is the same with Dwight D Eisenhower Golf course? Can you give us the coordinates so we can add it in accordingly? Thanks!
Confirmation of a Magikarp nest at the Aquarium of Pacific and Shoreline Park. 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA. Lattitude: 33.760546 Longitude: -118.196685
I need a Koffing nest, or a habitual spawn location for these guys. Wheezing is all that I need for N.A. The once Gastly park at Garden Grove park is now a Drowzee nest. Stoddard Park in Anaheim is a Charmander nest. Oak Knoll Park in Cypress is also a Charmander nest. Arnold Cypress Park in Cypress is a Squirtle nest. I know of many nests and areas where specific Pokémon frequent, just need to know who's actually active and wants to help map these spots to ensure accuracy. I also took a look at what's left in the California wiki nest page and confirm that some are no longer what they are listed as, and can add to that list. I just need to know who to contact.