Looks like Dratini nests are nerfed to the ground. They all became Eevees or disappeared. The new spawns are singles at best, really random/rare at worst. If you know any fairly consistent Dratini spawns, even singles please post here. We'll take anything.
#1 Bulbasaur --> #1 Bulbasaur #4 Charmander --> #1 Bulbasaur / No change #7 Squirtle --> #4 Charmander / No change #21 Spearow --> #23 Ekans --> #21 Spearow #25 Pikachu --> #23 Ekans #27 Sandshrew --> #25 Pikachu #29 Nidoran♀ --> #27 Sandshrew / #25 Pikachu #32 Nidoran♂ --> #29 Nidoran♀ #35 Clefairy --> #32 Nidoran♂ #37 Vulpix --> #35 Clefairy / #32 Nidoran♂ #39 Jigglypuff --> #37 Vulpix / #35 Clefairy #43 Oddish --> #39 Jigglypuff #46 Paras --> #43 Oddish? / #39 Jigglypuff? #48 Venonat --> #43 Oddish? #50 Diglett --> #46 Paras #52 Meowth --> #48 Venonat #54 Psyduck --> #50 Diglett #56 Mankey --> #52 Meowth/ #50 Diglett #58 Growlithe --> #54 Psyduck / #52 Meowth #60 Poliwag --> #56 [[Mankey / #54 Psyduck #63 Abra --> #58 Growlithe / #56 Mankey #66 Machop --> #58 Growlithe #69 Bellsprout --> #60 Poliwag #72 Tentacool --> #63 Abra #74 Geodude --> #66 Machop #77 Ponyta --> #69 Bellsprout #79 Slowpoke --> #72 Tentacool #81 Magnemite --> #74 Geodude #83 Farfetch'd --> #84 Doduo --> #77 Ponyta #86 Seel --> #79 Slowpoke / #77 Ponyta #90 Shellder --> #81 Magnemite / #79 Slowpoke Nothing? --> #83 Farfetch'd #92 Gastly --> #84 Doduo / #81 Magnemite #95 Onix --> #86 Seel / #84 Doduo #96 Drowzee --> #86 Seel #98 Krabby --> #90 Shellder #100 Voltorb --> #92 Gastly #102 Exeggcute --> #95 Onix / #92 Gastly #104 Cubone --> #96 Drowzee]] #106 Hitmonlee --> #98 Krabby / #96 Drowzee #107 Hitmonchan --> #100 Voltorb]] / #98 [[Krabby #108 Lickitung --> #102 Exeggcute / #100 Voltorb #111 Rhyhorn --> #104 Cubone / #102 Exeggcute #114 Tangela --> #111 Rhyhorn / #104 Cubone #115 Kangaskhan --> #111 Rhyhorn #116 Horsea --> #114 Tangela? / #111 Rhyhorn Nothing? --> #115 Kangaskhan #118 Goldeen --> #116 Horsea #120 Staryu --> #118 Goldeen #122 Mr. Mime --> #118 Goldeen #123 Scyther --> #120 Staryu #124 Jynx --> #123 Scyther / #120 Staryu #125 Electabuzz --> #124 Jynx / #123 Scyther #126 Magmar --> #125 Electabuzz / #124 Jynx #127 Pinsir --> #126 Magmar / #125 Electabuzz #128 Tauros --> #127 Pinsir / #126 Magmar #129 Magikarp --> #127 Pinsir Nothing? --> #128 Tauros #133 Eevee --> #129 Magikarp #147 Dratini --> #133 Eevee Nothing? --> #147 Dratini (RIP)
Yep, I am seeing the same thing. This morning they were spawning correctly and now I have a few million Eevee's....
On http://pkmngotrading.com/wiki/Nests can we change the 2nd field (Pokemon) to Date verified or add it? The Pokemon is duplicated since its in the Nest already. Since the spawns are changing now, it would be good to have a verified date so we know if its new or old....
The Pokemon links to its own page though we could put the date in the Status box as well as if it is confirmed or not. Something like Confirmed - 8/1/2016 What we could also do is maybe have the Pokemon Field frist then the nest location and take out the name in the location since they will be updating the spawns anyways. That way when they do update all it takes is to change the pokemon it links to instead of either changing the page name or deleting the page entirely. And we could add the Field for a confirmed date. Example: Pokemon | Location | Status | Country | State/Province Abra | Gore Hill Memorial Cementary | Confirmed - 8/1/2016 | Australia | New South Wales Didnt include all the fields but keep the same fields past the Country. That way when they do update again, which i highly think they will, all we would need to change is the pokemon field instead of renaming the page or deleting it. Thoughts?
I like whatever just as long as we have a date in it. The spawn changes may end up being a "normal" monthly thing. Status = Confirmed 8/1/2016 OR Status = 8/1/2016
I am currently running in FL today but will probably head over to CA tomorrow to check out some of the Dratini nests..
Good ideas all around. Although we have to use the page name i.e. Abra - Gore Hill Memorial Cemetary Let's try something like: Abra - Gore Hill Memorial Cemetary || Confirmed || Country || State/Province || Address || Latitude || Longitude Kinda of want to put the confirmed date in another column so that is easily sortable. We'll look into that
Spent 2hrs (8am - 10am EST) at a possible dratini nest: 37.802035 -122.396814 San Fran 698 "MaxTravelDistanceInMeters": 1000, NOTHING!!
I saw that they been updating the nests. I am glad cause I was getting the same dang Pokemon encounters over and over again. I just started getting some new ones and I am as pleased as a pear... Whatever that means. I am not sure.. lol
Yo the gore hill cemetery is now a Mankey nest. I just checked. I found 4 Mankey and NO ABRA at all in 10 minutes. I may be wrong but just updating the nest.