Lucky Egg

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Lucky Egg
Lucky Egg
Type Lucky Eggs
Description Doubles the amount of Experience Points gained from any source with more quantity, for 30 minutes.
Price 80/500/1250 PokéCoins
Acquired by Shop

Lucky Egg is a Lucky Eggs Item.

Acquired By

It can be purchased from Shop with PokéCoins.

Lucky Egg Number PokéCoins Cost
1 80
8 500
25 1250

Used For

After activating a Lucky Egg, you gain double XP for all sources for 30 minutes.

Before you evolve a lot of Pokemon, visit a place with lots of PokeStops or before your eggs hatch from Egg Incubator, be sure to use a Lucky Egg.

You can also use a Lucky Egg to maximize your XP gain from using Incense and Lure Modules.

Additional Information