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See also: Style
ItemTypeAcquired byDescription
Bag UpgradeUpgradesShopThe bag can hold 50 more items.
CameraCamerasAdded at the start of the gameA trainer can take pictures of Pokémon and the area.
CandyPower UpsSuccessfully capture a Pokemon or hatch one from an egg
Transfer a Pokemon to Professor
Walking the Pokemon as a Buddy
A Pokémon's CP are increased. Can only be given to one kind of Pokémon, or its evolved form.
Charged TMTMsRaid BattlesTeaches your Pokémon a new random Charged Move.
Dragon ScaleEvolution ItemsPokeStopsEvolves Seadra into Kingdra
EggEggsPokeStopsThe egg, after walking some distance, can hatch a Pokémon.
Egg IncubatorIncubatorsShopAllows trainer to place a Pokémon Egg to be hatched.
Fast TMTMsRaid BattlesTeaches your Pokémon a new random Fast Move.
Free Raid PassRaid PassesSpinning the Photo Disc at the Gym. Players can only hold 1 Free Raid Pass at a time.Allows the player to participate in Raid Battle.
Golden Razz BerryBerriesRaid BattlesFully restore a Gym Defender’s Motivation Meter
Great BallPoke BallsPokeStopsAllows trainer to catch a Pokémon. The chance to catch a Pokémon is better than a Poké Ball.
Hyper PotionPotionsPokeStopsAllows trainer to heal a wounded Pokémon for 200 Hit Points. Can be used during a Gym battle.
IncenseLuresShopAllows trainer to attract wild Pokémon, for 30 minutes.
King's RockEvolution ItemsPokeStopsEvolves Poliwhirl into Politoed, Evolves Slowpoke into Slowking
Lucky EggLucky EggsShopDoubles the amount of Experience Points gained from any source with more quantity, for 30 minutes.
Lure ModuleLuresShopAllows trainer to attract wild Pokémon at PokéStops, for 30 minutes. All trainers in the area can catch Pokémon that are affected by the Module.
Master BallPoke Balls??????Allows trainer to catch a Pokémon. The chance to catch a Pokémon is guaranteed.
Max PotionPotionsPokeStopsAllows trainer to heal a wounded Pokémon for ??? Hit Points. Can be used during a Gym battle.
Max ReviveRevivesPokeStopsAllows trainer to heal a fainted Pokémon to its full Hit Points.
Metal CoatEvolution ItemsPokeStopsEvolves Onix into Steelix, Evolves Scyther into Scizor
Nanab BerryBerriesPokeStopsSlows the Pokemon's movement, making it easier to catch.
Pinap BerryBerriesPokeStopsDoubles the amount of Candy you’ll receive if your next catch attempt succeeds.
Poke BallPoke BallsPokeStops
Allows trainer to catch Pokémon.
PokeCoinsCurrencyShopUsed to purchase items in the Shop.
Pokemon Storage UpgradeUpgradesShopPokémon Storage System can hold 50 more Pokémon.
PotionPotionsPokeStopsAllows trainer to heal a wounded Pokémon for 20 HP. Can be used during a Gym battle.
Premier BallPoke BallsRaid BattlesPremier Ball is used to capture Raid Bosses and then disappears. They can’t drop outside Raids.
Premium Raid PassRaid PassesPurchased from Shop for 100 PokeCoins. Players can only hold 1 Premium Raid Pass at a time.Allows the player to participate in Raid Battle.
Rare CandyCandyRaid BattlesRare Candy can transform into candy for any Pokemon.
Razz BerryBerriesPokeStopsAllows trainer to distract the Pokémon, increasing the chance to catch it.
ReviveRevivesPokeStopsAllows trainer to heal a fainted Pokémon to half of its Full HP.
StardustPower UpsSuccessfully capture a Pokemon or hatch one from an egg
Defending a Gym with your Pokemon
Powers up Pokémon, increasing their CP.
Sun StoneEvolution ItemsPokeStopsEvolves Gloom into Bellossom, Evolves Sunkern into Sunflora
Super PotionPotionsPokeStopsAllows trainer to heal a wounded Pokémon for 50 Hit Points. Can be used during a Gym battle.
Ultra BallPoke BallsPokeStopsAllows trainer to catch a Pokémon. The chance to catch a Pokémon is greater than a Great Ball.
Up-GradeEvolution ItemsPokeStopsEvolves Porygon into Porygon2