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Accuracy Test +
Critical Chance 0.0% +
Damage Window 200 +
Damage Window End 500 +
Damage Window Start 300 +
Description A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body. +
Duration 500 +
Energy 5 +
Energy Per Second 25.0 +
Heal 0 +
Ineffective Against Rock + , Steel + , Ghost +
Move Type Standard Moves +
Name Tackle +
Pokemon Bulbasaur + , Caterpie + , Eevee + , Geodude + , Koffing + , Metapod + , Onix + , Pidgey + , Ponyta + , Rattata + , Shellder + , Squirtle + , Staryu + , Tauros + , Voltorb + , Weezing + , Chikorita + , Bayleef + , Cyndaquil + , Quilava + , Ledyba + , Mareep + , Flaaffy + , Marill + , Hoppip + , Skiploom + , Girafarig + , Pineco + , Snubbull + , Swinub + , Corsola + , Phanpy + , Donphan + , Stantler + , Smeargle + , Tyrogue + , Miltank +
Power 5 +
Power Per Second 25.0 +
Stamina Loss 0.01 +
Type Normal +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Tackle +
Categories Pages with broken file links , Moves , Normal , Standard Moves
Modification date
"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
00:50:38, 23 February 2017  +
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Tackle + Name
Bayleef + , Bulbasaur + , Caterpie + , Chikorita + , Corsola + , Cyndaquil + , Donphan + , Eevee + , Flaaffy + , Geodude + , Girafarig + , Hoppip + , Koffing + , Ledyba + , Mareep + , Marill + , Metapod + , Miltank + , Onix + , Phanpy + ... Standard Moves
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