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Articuno + , Celebi + , Cleffa + , Elekid + , Entei + , Espeon + , Igglybuff + , Lugia + , Magby + , Mew + , Mewtwo + , Moltres + , Pichu + , Raikou + , Smoochum + , Suicune + , Togepi + , Tyrogue + , Umbreon + , Zapdos + | Base Capture Rate |
Struggle + , Transform + | Energy |
Acid + , Aerial Ace + , Air Cutter + , Air Slash + , Ancient Power + , Aqua Jet + , Aqua Tail + , Astonish + , Aurora Beam + , Avalanche + , Bite + , Blizzard + , Body Slam + , Bone Club + , Brave Bird + , Brick Break + , Brine + , Bubble + , Bubble Beam + , Bug Bite + ... | Heal |
Free Raid Pass + , Premier Ball + , Premium Raid Pass + , Rare Candy + | Level requirement |
Cahoon Park in Bay Village,Ohio + , Harbor park in Kenosha Wisconsin + , Spruce Street Harbor Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania + , The Brass Cat in Easthampton Massachusetts + , Washington Square in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania + , Zusters van Orthenpoort in 's-Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant + | Number of Gyms |
Splash + , Transform + | Power |