Gyms | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Town/City | State/Province | Country | Alligator By Pedro Ortueta - Hialeah, FL | 25.890555 | -80.306737 | 1001-1171 W 74th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Amelia Earhart Park - Hialeah, FL | 25.881857 | -80.275161 | NW 47th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Arquitectura de Chayo Frank en - Hialeah, FL | 25.840854 | -80.284693 | 149 W 21st St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Baptist Church Swings - Hialeah, FL | 25.875382 | -80.28514 | 2-198 W 58th Terrace | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Bell Tower - Hialeah, FL | 25.941268 | -80.314124 | 6832-6860 NW 186th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Biblical Institute Victoria - Hialeah, FL | 25.921603 | -80.278177 | 16305 NW 48th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Bucky Dent Waterslides - Hialeah, FL | 25.875723 | -80.329052 | 2310 W 60th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Captain Morgan - Hialeah, FL | 25.865364 | -80.311102 | 1448 W 49th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Carl Slade Park - Hialeah, FL | 25.890142 | -80.334413 | 2501-2599 W 74th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Christ Lives Church - Hialeah, FL | 25.893219 | -80.293827 | 500 W 78th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Church of Religious Worship - Hialeah, FL | 25.842341 | -80.303343 | 1050 W 23rd St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Country Lake Park - Hialeah, FL | 25.950028 | -80.342484 | 19505 NW 87th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Ernest R Graham Park - Hialeah, FL | 25.882818 | -80.293006 | 401-439 W 66th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Executive Palace Fountain - Hialeah, FL | 25.841374 | -80.305307 | 2141-2199 FL-25 | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Fountain View in D Shaped Pond - Hialeah, FL | 25.950604 | -80.342907 | 19505 NW 87th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Hialeah Fountain on 49th - Hialeah, FL | 25.866359 | -80.306565 | 1192 W 49th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Hialeah Metro Station - Hialeah, FL | 25.841167 | -80.279052 | 151 FL-934 | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Hialeah Post Office - Hialeah, FL | 25.898328 | -80.314443 | 1500 W 84th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Hialeah Time Keeper Monument - Hialeah, FL | 25.884035 | -80.341507 | 8790 W 68th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Hialeah's Famous Blue Building - Hialeah, FL | 25.896836 | -80.330024 | 2300 W 84th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Hoffman Center Mural - Hialeah, FL | 25.89195 | -80.300054 | 7600-7698 W 8th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
In Memory of Amelia Earhart - Hialeah, FL | 25.881036 | -80.263275 | Douglas/Le Jeune Connector | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Iron Leaf Gate - Hialeah, FL | 25.840774 | -80.289021 | 355 W 21st St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Its Raining Fountain - Hialeah, FL | 25.912004 | -80.318486 | 7347 Miami Lakes Dr | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
James M. Walter Community Cent - Hialeah, FL | 25.847783 | -80.298489 | 2840-2898 W 8th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Lago Grande - Hialeah, FL | 25.877139 | -80.331502 | 2416 W 60th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
León Medical Fountain - Hialeah, FL | 25.879956 | -80.325071 | 2020-2198 W 64th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Lite Angelica Fountain - Hialeah, FL | 25.944774 | -80.334229 | NW 82nd Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Main Street Fountain - Hialeah, FL | 25.913318 | -80.309103 | 15301 NW 67th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Man Golfing Wall Tile Art - Hialeah, FL | 25.941305 | -80.308765 | 18454 NW 67th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Marble Maiden of Westland Towers - Hialeah, FL | 25.863173 | -80.321948 | 4490 W 19th Ct | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Miami Dade Fire Department - Hialeah, FL | 25.868032 | -80.338623 | 8790 NW 103rd St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Miami Lakes Paisley Cow - Hialeah, FL | 25.906909 | -80.324212 | 14701 NW 77th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Mother of Our Redeemer Church - Hialeah, FL | 25.943247 | -80.337935 | 8445 NW 186th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Muffler Knight Slaying Dragon - Hialeah, FL | 25.893007 | -80.332188 | 2400 W 78th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Mural - Hialeah, FL | 25.838143 | -80.298392 | 1820 W 8th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
North Pointe Community Aquatic Center - Hialeah, FL | 25.94289 | -80.320711 | Old Elm Dr | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Northwest Spanish Baptist Church - Hialeah, FL | 25.8975 | -80.307946 | 8245 W 12th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
P T's Twin Lions - Hialeah, FL | 25.891389 | -80.323494 | 7565 W 20th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
PSN Park - Hialeah, FL | 25.93502 | -80.32953 | 7870 NW 178th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Palm Fountain - Hialeah, FL | 25.837387 | -80.28182 | 1721 Palm Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Portrait of a Lady - Hialeah, FL | 25.868506 | -80.312333 | 1475 W 49th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Roman depiction of Adam & Eve - Hialeah, FL | 25.88787 | -80.307919 | 1200-1230 W 72nd St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Salvation Army Slides - Hialeah, FL | 25.890601 | -80.294375 | 7574 W 5th Ct | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
San Lazaro Catholic Church - Hialeah, FL | 25.861376 | -80.319771 | 4400 W 18th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Santa Barbara Catholic Church - Hialeah, FL | 25.885602 | -80.343171 | 6801 W 30th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Spanish Lake Park - Hialeah, FL | 25.948919 | -80.334485 | NW 82nd Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
US Post Office - Hialeah, FL | 25.855157 | -80.318644 | 3680-3698 W 18th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Under Da Sea - Hialeah, FL | 25.86861 | -80.31656 | NW 49th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
United Methodist Prayer Path - Hialeah, FL | 25.90736 | -80.308642 | 14800 NW 67th Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
United States Postal Office Carrier Anex - Hialeah, FL | 25.886196 | -80.322325 | 7000 W 19th Ct | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Virgen de Guadalupe Mural - Hialeah, FL | 25.943357 | -80.338115 | 8445 NW 186th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
W View/Vista - Immaculate Conc - Hialeah, FL | 25.863579 | -80.28476 | 4550-4698 W 1st Ave | Hialeah | Florida | United States |
Wilderness Wall Tile Art - Hialeah, FL | 25.9435 | -80.341506 | 8641 NW 186th St | Hialeah | Florida | United States |