How to Defeat Any Gym

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Watch the yellow screen flash! That's it. Forget everything else; ignore the animation, just watch for the flash, swipe to dodge, then Standard Move. You will take little damage. The safest/easiest way is to only attack once after dodging. Then wait for another flash and repeat. Like this: flash - dodge - attack (one tap)..... flash - dodge - attack (one tap)..... repeat After a while, you'll figure out where you can sneak in two taps before dodging and that you can dodge right or left.

The end. It's that easy.

Additional information:

  1. The first time an opponent appears, it attacks twice. So dodge twice first: flash dodge flash dodge, then attack.
  2. If the server glitches/lags, you can take damage
  3. You can safely get in one Standard Move before the next flash - sometimes you can get two (flash dodge, attack, attack, flash dodge, attack, attack...repeat).
  4. You are vulnerable after using a special attack because you can't immediately dodge - don't use them unless you need to.
  5. You're up against the clock. If your 800CP is against a 1400CP, you can avoid taking a lot of damage, but you may not be able to whittle down their health in time.
  6. You can easily beat Pokemon within +/- 200CP of your attacker.
  7. You get a lot of XP at no cost for taking down high level gyms, and it's fun! (although it does take a while)
  8. It is way more fun than spamming Standard Move and it'll save you a TON of revive and potions.
  9. Bonus: you can really annoy the 'super-gyms' when you take them down by yourself!