Power Ups

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Power Up improves the Pokemon's CP and HP. To perform a Power Up on a Pokemon, you need to spend Stardust and Candy specific to the Pokemon.

Power Up Information

Amount of CP a Pokemon gains per Power Up is calculated through a complex formula and depends on the Pokemon's Hidden Stats. Each Power Up will also increase the Pokemon's Hidden Level by 1/2.

Formula for calculating your Pokemon's current Hidden Level:

  • Hidden Level = CP / CP per Power Up / 2

Every 4 Power Ups (2 Level), Stardust cost increases. Every 20 Power Ups (10 Level), Candy cost increases by 1.

You cannot Power Up your Pokemon past your Trainer's Level + 1.5.

Power Up Tips and Tricks

  • When you're Powering Up, it doesn't matter how many fingers you use to press POWER UP, the number of power ups is determined by how many fingers are used to press YES.
    • Press YES with 1 finger (like 99.99% of players), the pokemon will power up once.
    • Press YES with 2 fingers, the pokemon will power up twice and press YES with 3 fingers, the pokemon will power up 3 times.

Power Up Items

ItemAcquired byDescription
CandySuccessfully capture a Pokemon or hatch one from an egg
Transfer a Pokemon to Professor
Walking the Pokemon as a Buddy
A Pokémon's CP are increased. Can only be given to one kind of Pokémon, or its evolved form.
StardustSuccessfully capture a Pokemon or hatch one from an egg
Defending a Gym with your Pokemon
Powers up Pokémon, increasing their CP.

Power Up Cost Per Level

Level # of Power Ups Stardust Candy
1 - 3 1 - 4 200 1
3 - 4 5 - 8 400 1
5 - 7 9 - 12 600 1
7 - 9 13 - 16 800 1
9 - 11 17 - 20 1000 1
11 - 13 21 - 24 1300 2
13 - 15 25 - 28 1600 2
15 - 17 29 - 32 1900 2
17 - 19 33 - 36 2200 2
19 - 21 37 - 40 2500 2
21 - 23 41 - 44 3000 3
23 - 25 45 - 48 3500 3
25 - 27 49 - 52 4000 3
27 - 29 53 - 56 4500 3
29 - 31 57 - 60 5000 3
31 - 33 62 - 64 6000 4
33 - 35 65 - 68 7000 4
35 - 37 69 - 72 8000 4
37 - 39 73 - 76 9000 4
39 - 40 77 - 80 10000 4


Stardust1.png Stardust