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Acquired by Where to Find and Catch Dugtrio +
Attack Time 10s +
Base Attack 205 +
Base Capture Rate 0.2 +
Base Defense 147 +
Base Flee Rate 0.06 +
Base Stamina 70 +
Buddy Distance 3km +
Buddy Size Big +
Classification Mole Pokemon +
Collision Head Radius 0.336m +
Collision Height 0.84m +
Collision Radius 0.448m +
Description Dugtrio are actually triplets that emerged from one body. As a result, each triplet thinks exactly like the other two triplets. They work cooperatively to burrow endlessly. +
Egg Distance N/A +
Evolves From Diglett +
Generation Test +
Height 2'04" + , 0.7m +
Height Standard Deviation 0.0875 +
Jump Time 0s +
Max Attack 220 +
Max CP 1612 +
Max Defense 162 +
Max HP 67 +
Max Stamina 85 +
Model Height 0.77 +
Movement Timer 29s +
Movement Type ?????? +
Next Evolution Req Max +
Pokedex Height 0.7m +
Pokedex Weight 33.3kg +
Spawn Chance 0.014% +
Special Moves Stone Edge + , Earthquake + , Mud Bomb +
Standard Moves Sucker Punch + , Mud Slap +
Strengths Electric + , Poison + , Rock +
Total Evolution Req 50 +
Type Ground +
Weaknesses Ice + , Water + , Grass +
Weight 73.4lbs + , 33.3kg +
Weight Standard Deviation 4.1625 +
Categories Pokemon , Generation 1 Pokemon , Released , Ground
Modification date
"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
09:23:20, 19 February 2017  +
"Number" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent numeric values.
51  +
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Diglett + Evolves To
Earthquake + , Mud Bomb + , Mud Slap + , Stone Edge + , Sucker Punch + Pokemon
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