Created page with "{{Nest Infobox |Pokemon= Jynx |Image= |Latitude= 32.805577904957815 |Longitude= -96.79238319396973 |Country= United States |State/Province= Texas |Town/City= Dallas |Address=..."
{{Nest Infobox
|Pokemon= Jynx
|Latitude= 32.805577904957815
|Longitude= -96.79238319396973
|Country= United States
|State/Province= Texas
|Town/City= Dallas
|Address= 2711 N Haskell Ave
|Location Name= CityPlace Center
|Notes= They mainly appear to spawn in the parking lots around CityPlace and not actually inside CityPlace.
|Additional Info=
|Confirmation= 07/30/2016
|Update Date=
|Pokemon= Jynx
|Latitude= 32.805577904957815
|Longitude= -96.79238319396973
|Country= United States
|State/Province= Texas
|Town/City= Dallas
|Address= 2711 N Haskell Ave
|Location Name= CityPlace Center
|Notes= They mainly appear to spawn in the parking lots around CityPlace and not actually inside CityPlace.
|Additional Info=
|Confirmation= 07/30/2016
|Update Date=