{{Help Nest}}
Recently, Niantic made changes to most Nests. Some Nests began to spawn different Pokemon while others disappeared completely. In response we've marked each Nest with the Status of Best, Confirmed, Not Confirmed Unconfirmed or Gone.
*Best - One of the best Nests for that species of Pokemon.
*Confirmed - The nest is confirmed to exist.
*Not Confirmed Unconfirmed - The nest may or may not exist, need verification.
*Gone - The nest is most likely not there anymore.
You can help us by letting us know the Status of a Nest through [http://pkmngotrading.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:CreateAccount Wiki] or [http://pkmngotrading.com/forum/forums/nests-and-spawn-locations-discussion.27/ Forum] and check out [[:Template:Nest Infobox|Nest Template]].
==What Are Nests?==
[[Nests]] are relatively small and confined area, usually a park, that consistently [[spawn]] many of the same [[Pokemon]], normally either single [[evolution]] ([[Jynx]], [[Kangaskhan]]) or first stage of double and triple evolutions ([[Magikarp]], [[Dratini]], [[Charmander]]) they are important to trainers as they allow them to quickly gather a particular [[Rare Pokemon|rare pokemon]] or gather [[candy]] for that type.