,no edit summary
===First Group===
The first group is by far the easiest to differentiate from the others because it generally only includes Pokémon you’re going to [[Evolution|EVOLVE ]] for [[XP]], such as [[Pidgey]], [[Weedle]] or [[Caterpie]]. Potential others with low evolve costs of 25 can also be added to this group but I generally don’t care for those.
===Second Group===
The second group is essentially [[Trading|Trade Fodder]]. In here I put the Pokémon that I really don’t want to keep for myself, but there could be future value in them for trading. For example, Pokémon with a [[CP ]] of 1,000+ that either have less than favorable [[IVs]], or are more Rare to encounter are Pokémon that I will keep. I myself have no use for them as my goal in the game is to build the strongest team, but I can see the value they might have for other people. (Ex. My 1,200CP [[Gengar ]] [12/0/12 IV], or my 1,700CP [[Dragonite ]] [12/3/5 IV].)
===Third Group===
The third group is where things start to get tricky and a little more subjective so I’ll break it down as simply as possible and be adding links to other helpful threads.
Alrighty, so you’ve caught/evolved/hatched yourself a Pokémon that you think might have battle potential. What now?
*Well first, check to see if the Pokémon is in fact good at fighting by consulting a [[tier list]]. I prefer THIS ONE “credit to Professor_Kukui”**Trainer Tip: IF you’re looking to power up your favorite Pokémon and it doesn’t appear on this list, you can feel free to skip this first step
*Secondly, check the IV’s… [[IVs]]… My general rule of thumb is to only KEEP Pokémon over 86% IVs or (13/13/13). This rule only changes for [[Rare Pokemon|Rare]] and non-farmable Pokémon with good movesets. (Think [[Lapras, ]] or [[Snorlax]]). For more info on what role IVs play in battle check out THIS POST, from this you can clearly see that a 90% Pokémon is more than sufficient because it is only beat out by just over 2% compared to a 100% Pokémon of the same species.**Trainer Tip: Here you have to weigh the likelihood of getting a higher IV rare Pokémon with a decent move set. With Pokémon such as Lapras are very rare so settling for a lower IV might not be a bad thing as long as the move set is good.**Trainer Tip: A low CP Pokémon with perfect (or close to) IVs is generally worth leveling up. For example, a 10CP 15/15/15 [[Charizard ]] is worth powering up because it’ll statistically be easier to farm the extra 50 candies/50k stardust than finding a higher CP Perfect Charizard.
*The final thing you need to keep in mind is one of the most important and can ruin a potentially perfect Pokémon, the moveset. You should consult THIS SHEET for a list of all the possible move combinations and their offensive and defensive viability. Make sure that your Pokémon has its optimal moveset for either offense or defense.**Trainer Tip: Make sure to evolve any Pokémon you’re considering to see their final moveset before upgrading them with your stardust. Nothing worse than wasting a bunch of dust and candy training up a 15/15/15 [[Magikarp]], only for it to turn into a [[Twister ]] [[Gyarados]].
IF each of these categories are to your satisfaction (again, no objective science here unless it’s 100% in all categories) then feel free to use stardust to power the Pokémon up to max. Personally I want to make sure that the Pokémon is in the TOP 10 for either role, with a Moveset that is either the 1st or 2nd best for whichever category along with a 90%+ IV before investing any stardust.