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9 bytes removed, 01:07, 29 August 2016
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[[AppraisalsAppraise]] allow [[trainers]] to find the range of their [[Pokemon]]'s [[IVs]] and determine how strong their Pokemon are. Appraisals Appraises are performed your [[Teams|Team leader]]: [[#Blanche's Appraisal Appraise (Mystic)|Blanche of Mystic]], [[#Candela's Appraisal Appraise (Valor)|Candela of Valor]] and [[#Spark's Appraisal Appraise (Instinct)|Spark of Instinct]].
==Blanche's Appraisal Appraise (Mystic)==
===Overall Pokemon Analysis===
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==Candela's Appraisal Appraise (Valor)==
===Overall Pokemon Analysis===
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==Spark's Appraisal Appraise (Instinct)==
===Overall Pokemon Analysis===
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