===Encountering Pokemon===
When a Pokemon is nearby, the device vibrates and blinks:
*Three long vibrations to alert nearby Pokemon
*Green light for Pokemon you've caught.
*Yellow light for Pokemon you haven't caught.
===Catching Pokemon===
After you press the button you'll see:
*Multicolor 3 vibrations to mimic [[Poke Ball]] wobble.*At any point during those vibrations a short vibration means the Pokemon has fled.*5 short vibrations and multicolor lights for success.
*Red light for Pokemon that have run away.
When you're in range of a [[PokeStop]], the device vibrates and its light blinks blue.
*Three pairs of short vibrations (six total) to alert
Press the button to search the PokeStop for [[items]]. The light will blink multicolor for success and shine red for out of range.
*Once pressed, A vibration for each item collected
*A long vibration if your bag is full