,no edit summary
For visiting a pokestop you get 50XP, for winning a battle you get something along the lines of 20-30 XP (it seems to vary, but the trend is that you won’t get much) and the same is true for training at a gym your team controls.
Now the pro-tip. Use a [[Lucky Egg]] when you have one, but use it wisely. For every [[pokemon ]] that you evolve you get 500XP 500[[XP]] and for every egg that hatches you get 1000XP (+500XP if the pokemon that came out of it isn’t in your [[pokedex ]] yet).
So the tip is, activate your lucky egg (which is active for 30 min.) when you have three or more eggs on the brink of hatching. When they hatch you’ll get 2000XP per egg + 1000XP for every pokemon that isn’t in your pokedex (chances are that one of them isn’t in your [[pokedex]] since eggs are a great way to get pokemon that normall don’t spawn in your area).
When the eggs are hatched, evolve every pokemon you saved up for this moment and you will get 1000XP for every [[evolve]].
With a bit of planning this will gain you at least 10000XP which is about the same amount that you need for leveling up around lvl12. A rule of thumb concerning eggs is that eggs with a longer distance typically give you rare pokemon. Although the list isn’t 100% correct (I got a Magicarp out of a 2km and a 5km egg)[[lvl]] 12.