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Jynx Nest - Avery Park

526 bytes added, 16:34, 5 October 2016
Created page with "{{Nest Infobox |Pokemon=Jynx |Image=Jynx1.png |Latitude=44.554959 |Longitude=-123.275192 |Country=United States |State/Province=Oregon |Town/City=Corvallis |Address=1310 SW Av..."
{{Nest Infobox
|Country=United States
|Address=1310 SW Avery Park Dr, Corvallis, OR 97333
|Location=Avery Park
|Name=Avery Park
|Notes=I've had luck along the road in the Northwest corner of this park, but when this was a Pikachu Nest the original submitter had luck with the Southeast corner as well.
|Additional Info=
|Confirmed Date= 2016/10/05

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