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Pokemon Go Plus

2,653 bytes added, 17:06, 9 December 2016
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*Catch time: takes about 5 seconds between pressing on the plus and a successful catch. More or less the same as after your ball hits a Pokemon in the game.
*PoGo+ can access Pokestops and catch Pokemon during phone calls and Facetime calls.
*It tracks [[egg]]/[[buddy distance]] better than the app alone.
*Letting the app run while your screen is locked saves you battery.
*It has a slightly wider pokemon range, and will often start buzzing for me before pokemon actually pop up on screen.
*If I'm traveling just below the speed cap, sometimes pokemon would be in range of the Go+ but not in the app.
*The [[Pokestop]] range is the same.
*The Go+ is affected by the speed cap when traveling. When 'going too fast', it will notify you of nearby pokemon and stops, but you will always get an error buzz when you press the button.
*After manually catching pokemon, the Go+ needs maybe 10-20 seconds to register than it's in charge again.
*If you are out of [[balls]] or [[bag]] space, you will get an error buzz, but once you sort out the space, you can try for those things again.
*It will prioritize pokemon over pokestops, but you can choose in the settings which of these two options the device will notify you of.
*The buzzing that mimics a shaking pokeball is all for show. If you're looking at the recent pokemon list while catching a pokemon with the Go+, it will show up if caught after maybe the second 'shake'.
*You can't use the Go+ when manually trying to catch something, or while battling [[gyms]]. But you can still press the green button as you tap on a different pokemon to try and catch both.
*[[Ditto]] can be caught.
*You can still use the Go+ while mass-evolving with a [[Lucky Egg]] - ie. net experience and pokemon in the background while you are busy evolving things in the menu.
*The Go+ will buzz when one of your defenders gets knocked out of a gym.
*Battery lasts about 4 weeks of pretty much continuous use but but battery indicator is not accurate. I try to estimate battery remaining with the vibration intensity.
*Signs of a dead battery: Go+ disconnects every time you try to interact with something, and eventually refuses to re-connect.
*You can click the button to check if it's still connected to your phone, but I have had several occasions where it buzzes but either isn't connected or won't interact with anything on the map. Time to reconnect or reboot the app.
*To unpair with any device (ie so you can pair with a new device), hold the button down for 5 secs until the light is solid blue. Hold the button down again for 5 secs until it buzzes to confirm that it has forgotten the stored device.
*If you're tired of your phone notifying you every time you do something with the Go+, you can turn it off in app Notification settings.
*If your game is minimized and the Plus stops recognizing stops/pokemon, open the app and see if an egg is hatching.

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