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1 byte removed, 17:34, 10 December 2016
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*Which Pokemon type has the highest average score regarding the two considerations above?
Based from Pokemon Go players that has been analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Pokemons in [[Pokemon Go]], the Pokemon type that possess moves that are Super Effective against most Pokemon Types are the Ground type Pokemons (eg. [[Nidoking]], [[Nidoqueen]], [[Sandslash]], [[Onyx]]). On the other hand, the type that has moves with the lowest chance of inflicting a Not Very Effective damage are the Dragon type Pokemons (eg. [[Dratini]], [[DragonaireDragonair]], [[Dragonite]]). Lastly, if both aspects will be considered, the type with the highest average score would be the Psychic type Pokemons (eg. [[Slowpoke]], [[Drowzee]], [[Abra]], [[Exeggcute]]). After considering the three aspects that were mentioned above, you should also keep in mind that most Pokemon are considered under two Pokemon types which means they can possess both types of Pokemon moves.
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