,Created page with "In the recent updates for the Pokemon Go app, there are some changes in the Pokemon's Attack, Defense and CP. This is made to give a bit of balance in the stre..."
In the recent updates for the [[Pokemon Go]] app, there are some changes in the Pokemon's [[Attack]], [[Defense]] and [[CP]]. This is made to give a bit of balance in the strengths of the Pokemons in the game.
==CP Changes==
CP is one of the determinants of a Pokemon's strength in battle and so trainers must watch out for these changes. Some of those whose CP has increased are [[Alakazan]], [[Rhydon]] and [[Hitmonlee]]. On the other hand, some of those whose CP decreased are [[Lickitung]], [[Wigglytuff]], and [[Victreeball]].
==Attack Changes==
The higher the Pokemon's attack, the higher the damage that it could inflict against an opponent Pokemon. In the new updates, some of those whose attack have increased significantly are [[Abra]], [[Kadabra]] and [[Alakazam]]. On the other hand, some Pokemons has their attacks decreased and this includes [[Growlithe]], [[Seel]] and [[Ditto]].
==Defense changes==
Having a high defense would mean that the Pokemon would acquire less damage from attacks during battles. The new update has increased the defense of some Pokemons including [[Cloyster]], [[Chansey]] and [[Onyx]]. On the other hand, there are also defense losers and this includes [[Parasect]], [[Lickitung]] and [[Metapod]].
[[Category:Terms]] [[Category:New Terms]]
==CP Changes==
CP is one of the determinants of a Pokemon's strength in battle and so trainers must watch out for these changes. Some of those whose CP has increased are [[Alakazan]], [[Rhydon]] and [[Hitmonlee]]. On the other hand, some of those whose CP decreased are [[Lickitung]], [[Wigglytuff]], and [[Victreeball]].
==Attack Changes==
The higher the Pokemon's attack, the higher the damage that it could inflict against an opponent Pokemon. In the new updates, some of those whose attack have increased significantly are [[Abra]], [[Kadabra]] and [[Alakazam]]. On the other hand, some Pokemons has their attacks decreased and this includes [[Growlithe]], [[Seel]] and [[Ditto]].
==Defense changes==
Having a high defense would mean that the Pokemon would acquire less damage from attacks during battles. The new update has increased the defense of some Pokemons including [[Cloyster]], [[Chansey]] and [[Onyx]]. On the other hand, there are also defense losers and this includes [[Parasect]], [[Lickitung]] and [[Metapod]].
[[Category:Terms]] [[Category:New Terms]]