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22 bytes added, 17:12, 13 July 2016
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[[CP]] stands for '''Combat Points'''. It’s more or less an indicator of how strong the [[pokemon ]] is, similar to the level system on previous pokemon games you may know from the gameboy, 3DS, etc.
In this game your pokemon don’t level up by earning experience, but they gain CP by powering them up using 1 [[candy]] (later on it will costs you 2/3 candy) of the species and an amount of [[stardust]].
Because [[weight]], [[height]], [[HP]], the stage of [[evolution]] and the level of the trainer determine what the maximum CP of a pokemon is.
Since a pokemon gains CP when evolved, it is hard to compare two pokemon of the same [[species ]] that are in different evolutionary stages (e.g. a [[Pidgey ]] vs. a [[Pidgeotto]]).
Therefor it is advised not to compare the CP number, but to compare where two pokemon are on their CP curve.

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