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Apple Watch

2,188 bytes added, 23:56, 22 December 2016
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[[File:pokemon go apple watch1.jpg|400px|right]]==Introduction==[[Pokemon Go will release an app ]] for the [[Apple Watch]]was released on December 22, 2016. Similar to the [[Pokemon Go Plus]], Apple Watch serves as an [[accessory]] that allows the players to interact with perform various Pokemon Go interactions through the Watch. Additionally, it has activity summaries and will track your distance traveled and calories burned. ==Functions==*Receive notifications about nearby [[Pokemon]]*Receive notifications about nearby [[PokeStops]] and catch collect [[items]] from them*Count distance towards hatching [[Eggs]]*Count distance towards receiving [[Candy]] for [[Buddy Pokemon]] through *Receive notifications for Egg hatches and [[medals]] awarded*Log each play session as a workout, with gameplay counting toward personal Activity rings ==Official Announcement==Trainers, Pokémon GO is now available on the Apple Watch! You will now be able to explore and experience the world around you directly from your wrist, whether you’re searching for wild Pokémon or trying to hatch the Pokémon originally discovered in the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games. Apple Watchis particularly well suited to Pokémon GO as it seamlessly combines gameplay and imagination with getting exercise and exploring the real world. AdditionallyYou can easily interact with Pokémon GO on Apple Watch, using quick taps to discover nearby Pokémon and collect items from PokéStops. Once you encounter a Pokémon, you can catch it from your iPhone. You can log your play sessions through the Apple Watch app as a Workout that will have activities summaries count toward your personal Activity rings, while also counting distance toward hatching Pokémon Eggs. To recap the core features of Pokémon GO on Apple Watch, you’ll be able to *Log each play session as a workout, with gameplay counting toward personal Activity rings *Receive notifications about nearby Pokémon *Count distance toward hatching Pokémon Eggs and will track receiving Candy with your distance traveled Buddy Pokémon *Receive notifications about PokéStops nearby and collect items from them *Receive notifications when Eggs hatch and medals are awarded This holiday season, experience Pokémon GO and the world around you in a whole new way on Apple Watch. It’s the perfect companion for bundled-up winter walks in the Northern Hemisphere and calories burnedfor fun summer activities in the Southern Hemisphere.And hey, what great timing—you can get a head start on that New Year’s fitness resolution by having some fun now!  —The Pokémon GO team

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