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Augmented Reality

1 byte added, 04:41, 14 February 2017
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There are a number of ways AR is actually utilised in Pokémon GO, so let’s get started with the most obvious one: capturing Pokémon! The main attraction for almost any Pokémon game is actually getting the chance to capture them and in GO it was the entire driving force behind the idea. Whenever you come across one of the creatures you can choose to try and capture them and one of the main ways of doing that is by making use of the [ AR camera] that you can choose to turn on and off. Keeping it off may be a little bit boring, but at times it’s necessary depending on where you are; for instance - dark areas at night would be considerably more difficult to play the game with the AR camera on.
If you make the choice to keep AR on, you can look around with your mobile, as if you were taking a picture or a video and locate the Pokémon on your device. Sometimes, depending on the Pokémon you’re about to capture, they can be in certain special locations around you; such as a [[flying]] Pokémon being more elevated off the ground rather than being stood there on the floor. From there you can throw a [[PokeBallPoke Ball]] at the Pokémon and then pretty much hope and or pray that the ball shakes 3 times to say that you’ve captured the new Pokémon and have added them to your team.
The next biggest use of AR in Pokémon GO takes the form of the map of your local surroundings. With the addition of AR, when you walk around in the real world, your character would move about the virtual map whilst on the lookout for Pokémon. Thanks to the addition of AR it allows you match your movements with your avatar, all to bring you that much closer to experiencing true to form augmented reality.

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