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|image=play rough1.jpg
|Move Type=[[Special Move]]
|Type=[[fairyFairy]]|Power=5590|Energy Requirement=1/2 Bar|Effective AgainstPower Per Second=[[Dark]], [[Dragon]], [[Fighting]]|Ineffective Against=[[Fire]], [[Poison]], [[Steel]]|Description=The user plays rough with the target and attacks it64.|Used by=29
|Critical Chance=5.0%
|Stamina Loss=0.1
|Energy Per Second=-35.71
|Energy Requirement=
|Effective Against=[[Fighting]], [[Dragon]], [[Dark]]
|Ineffective Against=[[Fire]], [[Poison]], [[Steel]]
|Damage Window Start=14001300
|Damage Window End=2700
|Power Per SecondDamage Window=18.971400|Energy Per SecondDescription=-17The user plays rough with the target and attacks it. This may also lower the target's Attack stat.24|Damage WindowUsed by=1300|Pokemon=[[Wigglytuff]], [[Persian]], [[WigglytuffAzumarill]], [[Granbull]], [[Teddiursa]], [[Ursaring]], [[Donphan]]
[[Play Rough]] is a [[fairyFairy]] [[type]] [[Special Move]].
==Effective Against==
==Ineffective Against==
[[Category:Moves]] [[Category:fairyFairy]] [[Category:Special Moves]]